About Us

Together, we can make all communities confident they have the PPE they need, when they need it, at a competitive price.

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the reliance on foreign supply for basic PPE needs, compromised the health and safety of communities across the United States. In March 2020 our founder and Innovation Engineer, Al Fischer, knew his company could help overcome this challenge. Utilizing our non-woven manufacturing expertise and direct supply chain model, Heartland Health located in Southwest Ohio, began to operate.

Within 10 days Fischer’s team had innovated a mask design and built a production machine, resulting in high quality face masks shipping directly to local consumers. In the four months since, Heartland Health expanded its product line to include N95 respirators, surgical masks and face shields, supporting the higher-level protection needs of our brave front line responders.

Today, Heartland Health is building a network of distribution partners throughout communities across the USA to ensure everyone has reliable access to the safety they need and the comfort they deserve. Heartland Health is committed to the continuance of our mission by growing our US based supply chain and efficiently delivering a wide variety of innovative products to the US consumer.


You can help support bringing manufacturing back to the US through a Heartland Health partnership. Full factory production can be up and running in your selected location in four months and o

ur machines are fully automated to reduce production costs. All Heartland Health partners are set up under FDA guidelines and manufacture product that is certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and the Food and Drug Administration. Our partners provide their communities

domestic inventory to fill emergency needs in a substantially shorter delivery time.

Through COVID-19 we witnessed a broken supply chain for PPE. Heartland Health offers a new model to protect US communities with direct and local manufacturing and distribution.

Approved Partners Receive The Following Support From Heartland Health 

FDA Approved Products

FDA Registered Facility

Quality Management System (GMP)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

Comprehensive Employee Training 

Turnkey Manufacturing Equipment

Domestically (USA) Sourced Raw Materials

Sales and Marketing Support

Continuous Improvement and Innovation